Giorgio De Chirico

- Selected Works
- Biography

(Volos 1888 – Roma 1978)

Giorgio de Chirico was born in Greece from a noble Italian speaking family. He studied painting at the Athens Polytechnic and later at the Academy of Florence and Monaco of Bavaria. In 1911 de Chirico joined his brother Albert in Paris where he met the leading artists of the time, then begins to paint pictures with a personal style and he begins his first representations of the Italian squares. Between 1912 and 1913, his fame spreads, although he still does not get adequate economic success. During this period he began to paint his first mannequins. Over the Parisians years De Chirico paints some of his fundamental artworks, that will mark the twentieth century. At the outbreak of World War I, de Chirico brothers enlist volunteers and are sent to Ferrara. After an initial period of disorientation due to change in the city, George renewed his painting does not depict the largest sunny squares anymore but still lives with geometric symbols, biscuits and breads.
In the fifties, his painting is characterized by his self-portraits in costume Baroque style and views of Venice.

- Exhibitions
  • 2019

    Giorgio de Chirico. Il volto della metafisica - Appartamento del Doge di Palazzo Ducale, Genova
    De Chirico - Palazzo Reale, Milano
    Giorgio de Chirico. Ritorno al futuro. Neometafisica e Arte Contemporanea - GAM - Galleria civica d’arte moderna, Torino

  • 2018

    Giorgio de Chirico. Capolavori dalla Collezione di Francesco Federico Cerruti - Castello Rivoli, Torino
    De Chirico: segno e mistero - Circolo della Stampa, Avellino
    De Chirico e la Neometafisica - Palazzo Campana, Osimo

  • 2017

    El mundo de Giorgio de Chirico. Sueño o realidad - CaixaForum: Barcellona, Madrid, Saragozza, Palma di Maiorca
    Giorgio de Chirico. Rays of Light in Italian Modern Art - Modern Art Museum, Shangai
    Giorgio de Chirico. Metaphysical Visions - Tretyakov State Gallery, Mosca

  • 2016

    Giorgio de Chirico – Magic of Modernism - Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Stuttgart
    Giorgio de Chirico. Ritorno al castello - Castello di Conversano, Puglia
    De Chirico. La Ricostruzione - Metamorfosi Art Gallery MAG, Spoleto
    Giorgio de Chirico. The Enigma of the World - Pera Museum, Istanbul

  • 2014

    Giorgio de Chirico - Iwate Museum of Art, Morioka

  • 2013

    Giorgio De Chirico: sketches and drawings for Gabriele d’Annunzio Joria’s Daughter - International Cultural Centre / Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, Krakow
    Myth And Archaeology In The Work Of Giorgio De Chirico - The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC

  • 2012

    Giorgio de Chirico - Self-Portraits - Galerie Michael Haas, Berlin

  • 2011

    De Chirico: O Sentimento Da Arquitetura - Fundação Iberê Camargo, Porto Alegre
    Giorgio De Chirico - Dipinti 1910-1970. Un maestoso silenzio - Palazzo Magnani, Reggio Emilia

  • 2010

    De Chirico and his contemporaries - Galerie Tornabuoni Art, Paris
    Valori Plastici - and the classical trend in the '10s and '20s - Galleria dello Scudo, Verona
    La Natura secondo de Chirico - Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome
    Giorgio de Chirico - Scuderie del Castello Visconteo, Pavia

  • 2009

    Giorgio de Chirico - Galleria dello Scudo, Verona
    Giorgio de Chirico. La fabrique des rêves - Musée d´Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris - MAM/ARC, Paris
    La magia della linea. 110 disegni di de Chirico dalla Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico. - Museo Carlo Bilotti, Rome

  • 2008

    de Chirico e il museo - Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna (GNAM) , Rome
    Giorgio de Chirico in Schweizer Sammlungen: Werke 1909–1971 - Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Winterthur
    Giorgio de Chirico - Metaphysische Reise - Galerie Michael Haas, Berlin
    Giorgio De Chirico - A Metaphysical Journey - Galerie Andrea Caratsch, Zurich
    Giorgio de Chirico. La metafisica continua. Opere dalla Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico - Galleria d'Arte Moderna Palermo, Palermo

  • 2007

    De Chirico - Palazzo Zabarella, Padova

  • 2003

    Georgio De Chirico - Exhibition of Engravings - Astrolavos piraeus, Piraeus
    Georgio De Chirico - Astrolavos Artlife, Athens
    Giorgio de Chirico and the myth of Ariadne - Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art, London

  • 2002

    Giorgio de Chirico and the Myth of Ariadne - Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA
    Bagni misteriosi von Giorgio De Chirico - Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern

  • 2000

    Giorgio de Chirico - Ritratti, figure e manichini fino alla Nuova Metafisica - Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, Modena
    Giorgio de Chirico - Tokyu Bunkamura Inc., Tokyo

  • 1998

    De Chirico - gli anni Trenta - Galleria dello Scudo, Verona
    Giorgio de Chirico. I bagni misteriosi Le ricerche parallele - Galleria Amedeo Porro Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Milan

  • 1993

    Giorgio De Chirico - Pictor Optimus - Palazzo Ducale, Genoa
    Giorgio De Chirico: pictor optimum - Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome

  • 1986

    De Chirico: gli anni Venti - Palazzo Forti - Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Verona
    Giorgio de Chirico - gli anni Venti - Galleria dello Scudo, Verona
    DeChirico - Claudia Gian Ferrari Arte Contemporanea, Milan

  • 1985

    Giorgio de Chirico - Album di disegno - Galleria Anna D’Ascanio, Rome
    Late De Chirico: 1940-1976 - Arnolfini, Bristol

  • 1983

    De Chirico - Centre Pompidou - Musée National d´Art Moderne, Paris

  • 1982

    Giorgio de Chirico, der Metaphysiker - Haus der Kunst München, Munich
    Giorgio De Chirico - MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, New York City, NY

  • 1981

    Giorgio de Chirico - Musée d'art moderne André Malraux (MuMa), Le Havre

  • 1976

    Giorgio de Chirico - Wildenstein & Co Ltd, London

  • 1973

    De Chirico - The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura, Kamakura

  • 1972

    De Chirico by de Chirico - Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, ON
    De Chirico by de Chirico - New York Cultural Center, New York City, NY

  • 1969

    Giorgio De Chirico - Galleria Antenore, Padova

  • 1955

    Giorgio de Chirico - MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, New York City, NY

  • 1943

    Giorgio de Chirico - Galleria del Cavallino, Venice

  • 1936

    Recent paintings by Giorgio de Chirico - Julien Levy Gallery, New York City, NY

  • 1930

    Paintings by Giorgio de Chirico - Arts Club of Chicago, Chicago, IL

  • 1928

    Oeuvres anciennes de Georges de Chirico - Galerie Surréaliste, Paris
    Paintings by Giorgio de Chirico - Valentine Gallery, New York City, NY

  • 1927

    de Chirico - Galerie Jeanne Bucher, Paris

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